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A Family’s Journey

I am still here:

I just nicely got started with my website and my blog when my husband was identifed as requiring palliative care. Medically they  did not have much hope for him after a blood clot in his arm, congestive heart failure and  prostate cancer metasticized into his spine and hip bones and polycythemia, a cancer of the red blood cells. I chose to give him my full attention and love through his journey. My book was not going anywhere and publishers and marketers were willing to  let me put “FIRST THINGS FIRST.  For me that is Family. I believe our book explains that very well.

Our families are the core of our communities.  At a time when society is falling apart it takes everything we have to not get caught up in the dramas outside ourselves and focus on the wellnes of our family – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Grief and loss are part of the emotional wellness.  I learned this with our son as I realized how when we were in a state of grief at any of the first 4 stages our emotions ruled everything in our life.  Everything, from how we were feeling, to how we were thinking, to what was going wrong in our bodies to what we ended up believing because of our experiences. Grief ran the show.

As parents we could not think clearly. We made irrational decisions because often we acted impulsively without thinking of consequences. It sometimes felt like our heart was on a leash directed by our emotions as we lived from day to day. The head was no where to be found because it rarely seemed to kick in. I sometimes questioned whether it was even attached until I looked in the mirror. It was still there just not working.

I experienced this all over again as they gave my husband 5 months to 2 years. They sent him home from hospital to die. They said he would go peacefully in his sleep from the congestive heart failure.

We have fought hard and long through radiation, 2 different hormone treatments that caused more pain and suffering than we could ever have imagined. We prayed and had others praying for and with us.  Finally we decided to call on  a HEALER, Joseph Poirier. I can only say that I could only think of Jesus raising Lazurus from the dead as John got up off his chair and started to lift his legs high and move around like he had not done in a year. This was the beginning of a new story!

John came off all treatment and had an orchiectomy just before Christmas. He decided to remove the source of the testosterone that fed the cancer.  With those decisions and actions we were told Friday that the cancer has stopped growing and reduced in size and the oncologists will continue to monitor every 3 months. They will redo all tests and see him in a year. WOW that is what they said, “We will see you in a year.”

We praise and thank God-Creator for answering our prayers. We can look forward to life and live our best lives one day at a time. Truly none of us are promised tomorrow.

I look forward to getting back to my other work that I love –  sharing with you.  I hope you will find healing that will give you PEACE and strengthen yourself and your family.  For where there is LIFE there is HOPE.

Peace be with you!

Welcome to my Blog!

Welcome. My name is Peg Beaton, author of Healing. I’m so happy to have you as a visitor to my blog about my new book. This project is very special to me, and I hope to share some of that excitement with you here. I’ll be using this blog to interact with you about Healing, expanding on some of the topics in it and blogging on some of the ideas related to my book. This is a great place for you to get to know me, and I’m looking forward to getting to know you, too. What did you think of Healing? What questions do you have for me? How do you relate to my book? I’ll be returning here frequently with new posts and responses to feedback from you. Until next time, tell me a little bit about yourself.